Then how do you deliver text messages?
Good question. Keep the bulletin board in mind. Lets say you have a license plate you're interested in and you want to know right away whenever a message is posted to that license plate. You could go online every few minutes and Scan for messages but that's not very practical is it.
One of the biggest benefits of membership is that PL8SCAN will do the scanning for you and that's exactly how we deliver text messages. You tell us the license plate you're interested in and whenever there's a message posted to it we'll immediately send you an email and/or a text message if you request it. The email or text message comes from PL8SCAN - NOT from the person that Posted the original message. By acting as the go between we keep both parties anonymous. The sender has no idea if anyone else gets the message unless someone replies.
Text messages do include usernames so when you get one you can reply with the TAG keyword or just ignore it. Once you send a TAG reply the original sender and yourself have now established a private communication via usernames and of course PL8SCAN will continue to show as the sender. No cell phone numbers are ever passed via PL8SCAN text messages unless you add it to a message manually.
If you get text messages you don't want you can either block that username or stop all text messaging at any time with the keyword STOP. You're in complete control and can change things as often as you want.
Next post I'll talk about profiles and PL8Boxes...
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